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A 360 Degree
Experience on
all things
Open Source

Join us for two days of Open Source & Digital Forensic exploration, and be a part of the conversation that is transforming media, the way we confront disinformation, and the world as we know it. 

3.8 billion people have access to the Internet today.  2.9 billion of them are Social Media users. 2.7 billion of them are mobile Social Media users. Now, every smart phone user can, at once, be broadcaster as well as consumer, reporter as well as reader. The opportunities are endless, so are the risks.
—Welcome to the Digital Engagement Age.


360/OS is the first symposium of its kind to bring journalists, activists, business professionals, and policymakers together to harness the power of open source, social media, and digital forensic research. These new tools provide access to once-inaccessible regions; they identify the once-unidentifiable and discern the previously indiscernible. At 360/OS our cross-sectoral network of “Digitial Sherlocks” will create and cultivate techniques needed to expose falsehoods and fake news, document human rights abuses, and report the actuality of global events in real-time.

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